Our Experience
Over the last fifteen years Americas Relief Team (ART) has developed many resources and experience for improving disaster readiness and response to assist countries in improving […]
Over the last fifteen years Americas Relief Team (ART) has developed many resources and experience for improving disaster readiness and response to assist countries in improving […]
One way to reduce the impacts of disasters on the nation and its communities is to invest in enhancing resilience–the ability to prepare and plan for,
In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, vigilance and preparedness against the forces of nature cannot be neglected. Outreach Aid to the Americas/Americas Relief Team (OAA /
Dominican Republic Virtual Seminar Read More »
Es la asistencia dirigida a salvar vidas, aliviar el sufrimento y mantener y proteger la dignidad human en acontecimientos que amenazan la salud, segu…
Gestion de Ayuda Humanitaria en Emergencias Read More »